Thursday, June 14, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the worlds best dad!
When I was studying abroad in Spain I had skype (and wireless! hard to come by in that country in 2007) and used to chat with my dad everyday. He joked that I talked to him more while I was in a different country then when I was in Chapel Hill.

Brother and Sister!

Dad taking a turn holding my super heavy bouqet

Every good (or bad) grade I would call my dad. We played golf together (for eons) and some of my best memories are of us on the golf course in Florida, sweating so much that our socks would be wet after the round was finished.
First Dance, Unforgettable by Nat King Cole
My dad taught me to be a gracious winner and loser, since you can't win everything (believe me, I have tried). He taught me to take my hat and golf glove off to shake hands with my opponent once the round was finished. He taught me to believe in myself and to know that I could do anything I set my heart to. He taught both his girls about money (and, of course, my brother too) since he wanted to have independent daughters that could make their own way in the world.
Headed down the aisle at Grace
He taught me that crying was not a weakness, but a way to show both happiness and sadness. He taught me to chop firewood, to cast a perfect reel, how to identify poison ivy (leaves of three, let it be!). He taught me to keep my word, "since your word is your bond".
Our dance lessons paid off!
He taught me how a marriage should work. He is so lovingly dedicated to my mom and to our family, always putting his wife and children before him (my dad has always had a long commute so we could live in better school districts)
He taught me how to interview and served as my interview coach before all my job interviews. He taught me to appreciate the world that we live in and to take advantage of travel whenever possible.

Grand finale
He taught me to save and never spend what you don't have. Frugality is an art when you can still live your life and plan for your future at the same time.
Mother's Day Brunch 2012 (missing my sister!)
Thanksgiving 2011 in Blowing Rock
He took me to London in February of 2011 and asked me to go via text message "Have time off, want to go to London?". He presented me to my husband at the altar on my wedding day and told everyone that for the wedding it was best to DISW "Do it Sarah's Way".
James' spring break in Charleston, before brunch at Rue de Jean
He taught me how to love and lead a family like he has loved and lead ours. He taught me to look for the best in people and to always keep your mind open.
The Original Wright family!
Dad, Thank you for being the best father in the world. For joking when we needed a laugh, for a hug when we needed to cry, for support emotionally (financially too!) when we could not deal and for always putting your wife and children first.
You truly are unforgettable.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet and so perfect. Great dads are definitely unforgettable and irreplaceable!
